The works of Sakubei Yamamoto
Watercolor: All Genres

Fencing to Prevent Wall Collapses (Kabemaki) in Levels (Kanekata/Kataban)
December 1694

Kanekata, Kataban, Kabemaki
[Fencing to Prevent Wall Collapses (Kabemaki) in Levels (Kanekata/Kataban)]
39.4 x 54.5 cm Painting in Watercolors and Ink

Pits which had slopes with hard shale roofs were safe and no frames were necessary while miners were mining new deposits (aratoko). However, each pit was wholly threatened by rock pressure after a few years. Swelling of bottoms (ban bukure) and wall collapses occurred under excessive rock pressure. Repairers had to busily cut bottoms (kujirisage/ban uchi) under railway tracks and fence to prevent collapses of walls on the elevated sides. The financial condition of the pit (yama) became worse.

Lyrics of "Gotton Bushi" Song
Yucha suman ga uchi no kaka tekiki.
Dotera ya futon no maruarai.

I can't help telling you that my wife is good at everything.
She washes padded kimonos or futons just as they are.
Gotton (Clang)! (Interjected chant)

Translation Assisted by Mr. Nathan Johndro

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