The works of Sakubei Yamamoto
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Fight in a Mine Company #3 (Throwing Tiles or Dynamite)
1964 - 1967

Kaisha no Kenka #3 (Yanegawara, Dainamaito)
[Fight in a Mining Company #3 (Throwing Tiles or Dynamite)]
38.1 x 54.2 cm Painting in Watercolors and Ink

It was said that most miners were so reckless (buraikan: niagari/tompin in dialect) that they would even go into a burning house if they were just coaxed. Such miners threw tiles or dynamite at each other. Each piece of dynamite was thrown back if the ignited fuse attached to it was still long. They could do nothing with dynamite which was put into bottles filled with sand and thrown after being ignited. The dynamite was 3/4 inch (19 mm) in diameter with No.6 type detonators.

Translation Assisted by Mr. Nathan Johndro

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