The works of Sakubei Yamamoto
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Fight in a Mine Company in Buzen #4 (Mediation by Rikuhei Matsuoka)
1964 - 1967

Buzen no Kaisha no Kenka #4 (Matsuoka Rikuhei no Chusai)
[Fight in a Mining Company in Buzen #4 (Mediation by Rikuhei Matsuoka)]
37.9 x 54.0 cm Painting in Watercolors and Ink

The fight in a mining company in Buzen (Tagawa) was the important topic of conversation among miners (yamabito) in the mid-Meiji era and I heard plenty of that story. Recently, Mr. Atsuo Maeda wrote about it in the column of "Oshaberi Tanko Monogatari" for the Mainichi in November and December of 1957. It was said that Rikuhei Matsuoka mediated between the two parties, wearing a camp-hat on his head and a large sword on his back.
"Please stop the fighting and sheathe the sword."

Translation Assisted by Mr. Nathan Johndro

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