The works of Sakubei Yamamoto

People at Coal Pits in the Old Days #13: Support Unit called a Kagume-waku
1958 - 1963

Mukashi Yama no Hitobito #13: Kagume-waku
[People at Coal Pits in the Old Days #13: Support Unit called a Kagume-waku]
20.5 x 29.2 cm Ink Painting

Support units or frames with only one leg were used at some places underground, such as the entrances to landings or turnouts (makitate) where diagonal slopes branched out. The beams (sashi-bari) of such frames had to be supported by the thick main beam of a large and strong frame called a kagume-waku. Repairers who were able to build kagume-wakus were experts and were very strong. Every pit had at least one expert with superhuman skill.

Lyrics of "Gotton Bushi" Song at the Top Left
Ireteokure yo okina hari de soshite shikkari shimetekure.
Dokkoi! Dokkoi!

Will you insert a thick beam there and tighten it hard?
Dokkoi! Dokkoi! (Interjected chants)

Translation Assisted by Mr. Nathan Johndro

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